Friday, April 25, 2014

This Week In Sickle Cell News

Hello All!

This week provides another round up of findings in patient care and research involving Sickle Cell Disease. Particularly interesting was the paper by Hedreville et al.which explores the effect of moderate exercise on autonomic nervous system activity in sickle cell patients. The authors rightly note that physical activity is encouraged for patients of other chronic diseases but its benefits for sickle cell patients are still being defined. In some cases, patients are discouraged from engaging in physical activity, seeing as there is the risk of it inducing vaso-occlusive events. Research such as this, as well as other research carried out on the subject,  for example, French scientists Chirico et al.'s study  in Yaounde, Cameroon on the effect of exercise training on oxidative stress, could serve to provide essential links and information which can eventually be incorporated into care plans to give sickle cell disease patients a chance at better quality of life.

This week's selection:

Best Wishes!

The AfroSickleNet Team

Friday, April 4, 2014

This Week in Sickle Cell News

Hello and Happy April! 

This weeks selection:

Patient Care

Randomized Controlled Trial of Sildenafil for Preventing Recurrent Ischemic Priapism in Sickle Cell Disease 

Mechanistic Insights and Characterization of Sickle Cell Disease Associated Cardiomyopathy
Outcomes of Adult Patients With Sickle-Cell Disease Admitted to the ICU: A Case Series
Association between Morphometric Variables and Nocturnal Desaturation in Sickle-Cell Anemia 

Self-reported Transition Readiness Among Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease

Association of serum Interlukin-6 and Glycolysis in Sickle Cell Disease Patients

Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension in Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients of a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria 


Platelet Bioenergetic Screen in Sickle Cell Patients Reveals Mitochondrial Complex V inhibition which Contributes to Platelet Activation 

A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase II Study of the Efficacy and Safety of 2,2 dimethylbutyrate (HQK-1001), an Oral Fetal Globin Inducer, in Sickle Cell Disease 

Use of Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Derivatives to Treat  Sickle Cell Disease (Patent Application)

A Study of Red Cell Parameters in Patients of Sickle Cell Trait

Hematological Profile in Patients of Sickle Cell Anemia and Sickle Cell Trait in Relation to BloodGas Analysis—Revisited

How Do We Use Molecular Red Blood Cell Antigen Typing to Supplement Pretransfusion Testing?